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the tonight show with jay leno造句

"the tonight show with jay leno"是什么意思  
  • Nbc ' s " the tonight show with jay leno " pokes fun at the defense secretary on may 13
  • The “ terminator ” actor and a moderate 56 - year - old republican , arnold schwarzenegger ended weeks of speculation , and made the announcement while being taped for an episode of “ the tonight show with jay leno
    外表温和、稳健的共和党人, “终结者”表演者,阿诺-施瓦辛格,经过长达一周的考虑,终于在接受“今晚与杰-雷诺谈谈”电台节目采访时,公布了他要参加加州州长竞选的决定。
  • It's difficult to see the tonight show with jay leno in a sentence. 用the tonight show with jay leno造句挺难的
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